THE Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) says the mining sector can create employment for the youth if right policies are put in place.

CLRI executive director Mundia Hakoola said the Institute had taken time to assess the mining sector in Zambia in general and the small and medium scale mining in particular.

Hakoola said the new dawn government should put in place measures to ensure that the small and medium scale miners’ potential was turned into profitable ventures.

“Government should ensure that there is policy review in the mining sector that will create incentives for small and medium scale miners to be competitive in the sector. Government should ensure that it is easy for the licensing for small and medium scale miners,” he said. “Government should ensure that market linkages or a platform for small and medium scale miners are provided who mostly don’t have a proper market and end up selling their products to middle men and mostly these make more profit than the actual miners.”

Hakoola said the government should help formalise mining sites without proper documentation and not close or block the locals from mining.

“Create cooperatives in the six dumpsites that will benefit the youth…. The government should resolve the long standing challenge concerning the black mountain and work towards benefiting the youth,” he said.

Hakoola said Zambia had a lot mineral wealth and with the right policies and an enabling environment for small and medium scale miners, the country could boost the economy.

“CLRI calls on the Minister of Mines to quickly start working towards making policies that create an enabling environment for small and medium scale miners,” said Hakoola.