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Programmatic areas

  • Research and Policy engagement

CLRI believes in research based advocacy and to achieve this the institute is keen in working with empirical data before it engages in any kind of advocacy, the institute is also engaged monitoring policy frameworks and policies that are of concern in the thematic areas it is involved. The Institute conducts different kinds of research and policy reviews.

  • Governance and political inclusion program

Good governance is at the center of achieving development and sustainable development, the institute has programs that are aimed at building the capacity of youths and women to effectively participate in democratic processes such as aspiring for public office, excising their right to franchise and know there civic duties as citizens. The institute through this program has specialized capacity building training on topics such as dialogue, advocacy, governance structures, role of youth in promoting transparency and accountability in their communities etc. the youth remain the majority but are currently underrepresented in decision making in Zambia and many other African countries these program is aimed at building the skills of women and youth to rise up to the challenge and take up leadership roles it is also aimed at strengthen local communities, youth and women lead civil society organization to effectively participate in governance.

  • Peace and Security and non-violence

The organization works on a multi- sector approach in achieving peace, security and non-violence among youths most pre to the national election and after the election. The organization has multi –sector approach that identifies the possible parties in possible conflict or violence in Zambia’s August 2021 general elections and beyond, the approach is to engage all parties and building there capacity to prevent conflict and also address thorny areas before the elections. The institute works with all political parties, civil society with similar objects, the police, ministry of home affairs and developmental partners to achieve sustainable results.

  • Human Rights and good governance

The institute works towards human rights of the youth, children and women. It is also concerned about fundamental freedoms such as that of speech and assembly. It is concerned about the fair application of laws, its monitors the human rights situation among the key issues of concern is the area of freedom of speech and assembly. The institute is also promotes good governance and democracy in Zambia. 

  • Leadership and Mentorship Program

The organization supports leadership responding to mission building generation of responsible, responsive citizens and community leaders. This is achieved through capacity building trainings sessions on leadership, exchange programs, public debates and public forums that are organized by the Institute. Target group are youths in communities, political parties, civil society organizations etc.

  • Entrepreneurship

CLRI supports local entrepreneurship through skills training and also linking entrepreneurs to investors that can work with these entrepreneurs. The institute also works with rural communities in empowering them on sustainable farming through irrigation farming and also crop marketing for their produce, the institute also empowers women and youth on poultry, piggery and other live skills including vocational training.

  • Community outreach programs

WASH “water, sanitation and hygiene”. Universal, affordable and sustainable access to WASH is a key public health issue within international development and is the focus of the first two targets of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6).  The institute works in rural schools to provide running water, flashing toilets and improve the general water, sanitation and hygiene of many schools especially those that don’t have running water.

  • Education

CLRI continues to develop different approaches to ensure that its mission to contribute towards increasing the levels of literacy on various issues in Africa achieves intended goals. Access to quality education and the opportunity to develop skills and competencies is vital to prepare youth to take up leadership mantle and to equip them. Quality education is important for youths to make informed decisions; one of the key benchmarks to achieve development in the country is to have and educated population.

  • Emotional intelligence and resilience program

CLRI in collaboration with the Addison International Center for Emotional Intelligence support is focused upon helping providing public, private and third sector organizations with the expertise and resources needed to build the capacity for emotional capital. The institute is keen in working with law enforcement agencies and other sectors to achieve this program.

  • climate change and resilience Program

Continental Leadership Research Institute is devoted to fighting climate change hence on the 15th of May 2022; the institute joined the world in fighting climate change as it held a campaign on the Effects of Global Warming on the Environment. The institute is concerned with the issue of climate change because the universe is composed of an exceptional community of life, humanity being part of it and other ecological systems. The institute took this campaign as it aimed at educating communities on the importance of climate resilience and promoting good climate practices that create sustainable environments thereby improving food security, good human health, energy preservations and promoting equality among men and women in decision making processes that aim at promoting climate resilience.