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Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) was registered as company limited by guarantee under the laws of the Republic of Zambia on 13th of January 2017 and the registration number is 120170001165. CLRI is a non-partisan and non-profit making organization that believes in research based advocacy working with different professionals and also young people across the country. 


The organization is governed by the Articles of Association which provides for an elected advisory Board of five office bearers headed by the Board Chairperson. The CLRI Board establishes and overseas operations of the Secretariat.



Our core values are based on

  • Collaboration: We believe in team work and working closely with our partners
  • Innovation: We embrace creativity of new ideas in the way we service work with stakeholders.
  • Passion: We are passionate about our work; eager to give the best of our talents
  • Integrity: We are honest and uphold the highest ethical standards
  • Commitment: We are committed to deliver beyond expectation.

The Board Consists

  1. Choolwe Mweene – Chairperson
  2. Melvin Foote – Chairperson for International Relations
  3. Melinda Maxwell – Secretary General
  4. Niza Chisulo – Treasure
  5. Mundia Paul Hakoola (Ex-Official)

The CLRI Secretariat comprises the Executive Director, Program Manager, Programs Associate, and Research Manager. The Accountant and two other supporting staff help to run the day-to-day activities of the organization. The institute attaches interns and volunteers to its work depending on its programing.

Mundia Paul Hakoola is Executive Director for worked in both the private sector and civil society for over 10 years and has expertise in democracy, legal processes and youth participation in democracy processes. He worked and managed on several different programs funded by different development. Mundia is a 2010 Mandela Fellow is passionate about the youth and women projects in Zambia and works with young people across Zambia and is a strong advocate for human rights and good governance. Mundia was has been at international speaker at 7th UNESCO Youth Forum in Paris France and the Mandela Washington Fellows Reunion summit in 2014 in South Africa. He has been involved in political leadership transformation program for youths and also an expert in international relations expert.

Mundia holds a Diploma in Law from the University of Zambia, a Bachelor of Laws from Cavendish University, Postgraduate certificate in organization Behavior at Edinburg School of Business Herriot- Watt University and a Master of Political Science and international Relations at the University of Lusaka.

Our vision is to become a renowned resource center within Africa that will be engaged in research and advocacy on issues that involve policies, education, leadership, constitutionalism, youth, women, entrepreneurship, good governance and sustainable development.

The mission of the CLRI is to gain and communicate a deeper understanding of policies and build a generation of responsible and responsive citizenry in their communities.

  • To promote initiatives that support democratic governance and sound leadership principals among youths
  • To build the capacities of youths and women through capacity building training in education, leadership, governance and entrepreneurship
  • Conducting research in social sciences and other areas for informed advocacy.
  • To impart and inspire youths and with live skills for their effective participation in community programs.
  • Promote leadership skills among young people in all sectors of the economy
  • Promote leadership skills among young people in all sectors of the economy
  • To conduct educational lessons on development, democracy, entrepreneurship and economic prosperity.
  • To conduct educational lessons on development, democracy, entrepreneurship and economic prosperity.
  • To conduct educational lessons on development, democracy, entrepreneurship and economic prosperity.
  • Conduct programs that help the country’s development through research and education advancement.
  • Conduct programs that are aimed at attaining social development goals (SDGs) especially WASH Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6).
  • Promoting human rights for women, children, youth and other disadvantaged persons;
  • Conduct programs that help the country’s development through research and education advancement.