Press – Continental Leadership Research Institute A centre of leadership excellence in Africa Mon, 30 May 2022 12:57:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Press – Continental Leadership Research Institute 32 32 AFRICAN FREEDOM DAY A TIME FOR REFLECTION FOR AFRICAN LEADERS Mon, 30 May 2022 12:57:41 +0000 The Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) joined the rest of the country in celebration of the African Freedom Day to us this day is a time of reflection for African leaders on where we have come from and what are the achievements that we have been able to achieve so far.

African freedom day a time for reflection for African leaders

Most African countries have celebrated over 50 years of independence and if we take a deep reflection of what has been able to be achieved so far, we discover that political independence was achieved but there has been a challenge of translating the economic achievements of the continent so far. CLRI is aware that from each of the seven continents of the world, Africa has a diverse natural resource and has richest concentration of natural resources.

Despite this great opportunity that lies within African Continent unfortunately most Africa countries have not translated this opportunity to built strong economics and uplift the lives of the poor.  The has been a lot of progress so far in many Africa countries but we are of the view that a lot more should have been done differently and we would have been a different level by now. There is need to develop an environment that would ensure that the natural resources of the continent translate into the economic virtues for the people of Africa and also build strong trade linkages around the World.

The challenge of Africa going forward is to imagine, what kind of an Africa do we envisage to build in the next 50 years from now, the only way Africa can change is not doing things in the usual way, there has to be an unusual way of doing things and sound leaderships is at the centre of the liberating the lost economic and political virtues of the continent. Africa has had some great leaders in some regions but there has been a mismatch in bringing a balanced organised group of support leaders that can interpret the vision of top leader and in the long ran the vision has been lost and earth moving changes have failed to actually take place.

Our view is therefore that Africa needs to actually work on its leadership according to rank and file in sorting out it’s challenges and not just focus on the top leader as this has proved that you can have good leader at the top but if systems are responding everything fails.  A strong and competent workforce is what is needed apart from strong leaders who bring political will to turn around the political and economic doldrums of many African countries.

Mundia Paul Hakoola

Executive Director

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UNZA Radio and KBN TV Mon, 14 Feb 2022 19:09:25 +0000 CLRI Programs associate Edward Moonde appeared on CLRI Human Rights sponsored programs on UNZA FM to discuss the human rights program CLRI is undertaking in rural areas and the various interventions that have been put in place while CLRI Executive Director featured on KBT TV to talk the role CSOs in governance and the works of CLRI.

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Community Radio Programs in Mongu Mon, 14 Feb 2022 19:01:21 +0000 CLRI has been conducting a series of Radio programs on Community Radio programs on Oblate Radio Liseli 88.1 FM in MONGU the program discussed rural communities and Human Rights. Different Guests featured on the Program including Mr. Justin Mushoke The Executive Director of Action Governance Forum and other an guest from within MONGU. Feel free to speak your local language! FM in MONGU on Saturday for another interesting program at 9hrs as we discuss rural communities and Human Rights. The Guest on the Program is Mr. Justin Mushoke The Executive Director of Action Governance Forum and other an guests from within MONGU. The CLRI further held Community Human Rights Support Groups programs meetings in Sefula community at Bethlehem community school in Western Province of Zambia. This part community group meetings the institute is creating and supporting in 8 districts in Zambia, the project has been supported by the US Embassy in Zambia.

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Appearance on Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs Mon, 14 Feb 2022 10:56:47 +0000 The Continental Leadership Research Institute CLRI appeared Before the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs, Human Rights and Governance to Present a report on a Case Study on The: Trend of Electoral Violence: A Human Rights Concern
The Programs Director Chanda and Programs Associate Edward were on hand to make the presentation.

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Community Radio programs on Oblate Radio Liseli Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:51:47 +0000 CLRI has been conducting a series of Radio programs on Community Radio programs on Oblate Radio Liseli 88.1 FM in MONGU the program discussed rural communities and Human Rights. Different Guests featured on the Program including Mr. Justin Mushoke The Executive Director of Action Governance Forum and other an guest from within MONGU. Feel free to speak your local language! FM in MONGU on Saturday for another interesting program at 9hrs as we discuss rural communities and Human Rights. The Guest on the Program is Mr. Justin Mushoke The Executive Director of Action Governance Forum and other an guests from within MONGU.

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Community Human Rights Support Groups programs Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:49:34 +0000 Community Human Rights Support Groups programs held in Sefula community at Bethelehem community school in Western Province of Zambia. This part community group meetings the institute is creating and supporting in 8 districts in Zambia, the project has been supported by the US Embassy in Zambia.

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CLRI celebrates and Remembers MLK Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:46:42 +0000

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CLRI urges govt to formulate policies that empower small-scale miners Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:45:00 +0000 THE Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) says the mining sector can create employment for the youth if right policies are put in place.

CLRI executive director Mundia Hakoola said the Institute had taken time to assess the mining sector in Zambia in general and the small and medium scale mining in particular.

Hakoola said the new dawn government should put in place measures to ensure that the small and medium scale miners’ potential was turned into profitable ventures.

“Government should ensure that there is policy review in the mining sector that will create incentives for small and medium scale miners to be competitive in the sector. Government should ensure that it is easy for the licensing for small and medium scale miners,” he said. “Government should ensure that market linkages or a platform for small and medium scale miners are provided who mostly don’t have a proper market and end up selling their products to middle men and mostly these make more profit than the actual miners.”

Hakoola said the government should help formalise mining sites without proper documentation and not close or block the locals from mining.

“Create cooperatives in the six dumpsites that will benefit the youth…. The government should resolve the long standing challenge concerning the black mountain and work towards benefiting the youth,” he said.

Hakoola said Zambia had a lot mineral wealth and with the right policies and an enabling environment for small and medium scale miners, the country could boost the economy.

“CLRI calls on the Minister of Mines to quickly start working towards making policies that create an enabling environment for small and medium scale miners,” said Hakoola.

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Effective Reporting on Human Rights Training Tue, 04 Jan 2022 09:34:54 +0000 CLRI two day capacity building training for journalists and reporters on EFFECTIVE REPORTING ON HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES,
The training was officiated by the honorable minister of Ministry of Information and Media – Zambia Hon. Chushi Kasanda, MP. Supported by the U.S. Embassy Zambia.

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The Minister of Information, The acting Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy Zambia, the Executive Director Media Institute of Southern Africa, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Continental Leadership Research Institute; I’m delighted to welcome you to this launch of the capacity building workshop for journalists training in media reporting on human rights. And thank you for your great support and enthusiasm for the training.


The project will promote and protect the human rights of youths and women in rural communities through community sensitization programs in 8 districts create rural support group meetings and also create a platform for human rights issues to be discussed at rural community level through community radio programs. We take this opportunity to thank the US Embassy for this support as it goes a long way to shape our democracy, the US has being a strong partner of democracy across the world.

Today, we send a resounding message that media freedom is not only a national but also a universal value. Free media protects both society from human rights abuse and helps citizens release their full potential.


The institution has noticed there are challenges that call for definitive actions to protect human rights violations and the media plays a pivotal role in combating these violations. The most affected are women and children who have become vulnerable to abuse, neglect, exploitation and poverty due to lack of adequate access to economic rights.


It is Imperative that our society today takes extreme necessity to take decisive action by giving importance to journalists as a crucial component of the protection of human rights violations. This calls for media to be vigilant and also intensify efforts to investigate violation of rights and offer offenders to be prosecuted regardless of the offender.

The media needs to improve efforts for a comprehensive approach in handling cases of abuse, exploitation and discrimination through a strengthened partnership and clarification roles and seamless coordination among agencies.

The institute today urges the Minister of Information and media to ensure that the Access to Information Bill is enacted because it gives the public a general right of access to official documents and make provisions for incidental and connected purposes. The bill is critical because it enables citizens’ exercise their voice to effectively monitor and hold government to account and enter into informed dialogue about decisions that affect their lives.

The bill also aims to address challenges affecting media freedom of expression, the institute advocates for media freedom if they are work around issues of human rights abuses and bring culprits to book.

In closing, the maturity of a society is measured by how well human rights violation issues are addressed. Looking at the number of abusive and discriminatory cases that go unpunished and unreported – sexual, physical, economic or otherwise, it is plain to see that we have a long way to go in creating an environment fit for all.


We, therefore, extend our hand to partner with you the Ministry of Information and media, Media Institute for southern Africa and all Media houses and together, let us work for a habitable environment safe from human rights abuses.

I thank you!

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