The Continental Leadership Research Institute says the Cyber Security Bill is an important piece of legislation which will help to curtail a number of Cyber Crimes and Cyber Bullying in the country but that the timing of the Bill is wrong.

In a statement to the media Institute Executive Director Paul Mundia Hakoola said enacting the Cyber Security law at a time when the country is heading towards elections will water down it’s importance as it will be seen to be targeting a certain section of society.

Mr. Hakoola said the enactment of the said law will be seen as an infringement of the freedom of expression something which should be avoided if the country is to have a fair playing field in the August polls.

“…However, the timing for us to enact this law is a wrong because we are in an election year and already we are concerned about the issues to do with freedom of expression.

“As an Institute we have noted that freedom of expression and assembly has been under threat and some sections of our members in the country have note been able to freely express themselves and to meet so if we are going to have such a law at a time we are going to elections we believe that such piece of legislation will further curtail freedom of speech which already under threat.

“As an Institute we believe that going to election bench marks that supposed to be looked at is also a fair playing field. How do we have a fair playing field? We are supposed to have an active media, whether it’s on-line media or not,” he said.

He has since advised government to consider bringing the bill after the elections adding that more stakeholders should be brought on the table to add more input to the Bill before it is taken back to parliament.

“It is important that this piece of legislation is passed after the August elections in the spirit of promoting a vibrant media in the country and also to ensure that the fundamental freedom such as the freedom of expression are protected.

“Coming up with Cyber Security Bill is important but the timing is wrong and we also believe that there should be more stakeholder engagement in terms of the Bill so that a number of issues are debated,” he said.